Thursday, January 14, 2010

It beats Melatonin

Tonight I decided I would try to return to academic pursuits. I opened up G.K. Chesterton’s tome on St. Thomas Aquinas. The part where his brothers kidnapped him from the pilgrimage to Paris and threw him in a room with a hooker kept my interest. The part where he drove her out of the room with a hot poker glowing red from the fireplace had some action. And then he burned the wood which barred the door branding it with the sign of the cross, way cool. We don’t have saints like that anymore. However when he got to the part at university where he was trying to suss out Aristotelian logic and his belief structure, uh well I can still taste the ink from the book where it came to rest on my face. Can we say soporific?

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I fear how you will spend the rest of your furlough days if that is the book choice you make, why not try something that won't put you to sleep on a non-chosen day off. But then again, I read Patterson books to escape the reality of the world problems of today. My idea of fun is doing driver license assessments on weekends and asking the hard questions like ....tell me more...
Keep writing, it challenges me to research your lit. references like Merton...I learned a lot about a man I had never heard of until recently, says a lot about Lutheran school education...sad huh...