Monday, September 1, 2008

The Wind Along the Beach

Having traveled over 2000 miles we are now back in East Lansing. Early September and it is still warm in this part of Michigan. Warmth now is a gift. Plenty of years when I have returned home after a late August jaunt fall was upon me in full measure. Clear day today and a joy it was.

Notice that I did not say home when I referenced East Lansing, I said back. Thirty years now I have considered this upper niche of the Midwest my home. South Carolina’s beaches, North Carolina’s mountains and even that ancient piece of Georgia called Savannah have caused me to call into question the location of my home.

Wind along the water’s edge is what did it. Looking out at the surf, smelling the salt air and feeling the sun on my skin (through SPF 50 sunblock) reminded me of all those summers I spent at the beach. Sand and lotion, wind and water, humidity and heat these are the things tied to the happiest days of my life.

My home is a place that is many miles from here although I am not sure quite where it is.

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