Saturday, September 27, 2008

Oyster Boy

Youth doesn’t all mean you have fun. In fact it can be the exact opposite. Just as a follow up to the oyster story I had to post this image. It is of Ms. Effie, Uncle Bill and me. It appears to be my father’s shoulder moving out of the image. Go ahead, have a good laugh, everyone else did. For full effect click on the picture once or twice.


John and Vicki Boyd said...

Did any of those folks ever live in Beal City?

OR star in Bonnie and Clyde???



Sue Schimmel Ward said...

oh Boy, boy. What a picture! You DO look like someone in Deliverance. I'm so sorry.

gmanitou said...

My wife of course asked if dueling banjos would be playing in the background when I told her I was going to post this picture. I didn't make the Deliverance reference someone else did.

John and Vicki Boyd said...

No wonder your father dodged out of the picture.....