Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Question of Inspiration

I have discovered that for me my day does not start out well if I have not read something inspirational. The above photo shows me on one of those days. Seems odd to me that this is so important but it is. On those occassions when I have just thrown myself into the day when I haven’t had a pep talk usually from the words of someone who has been dead many years I find myself running out of emotional balance at about 10 or 11 a.m. It is then I become one grumpy curmudgeon.

The man who does not allow his spirit to be beaten down and upset by dryness and helplessness, but who lets God lead him through the wilderness, and desires no other guidance or support than that of pure faith and trusts in God alone, will be brought to the Promised Land.

Something like this helps me. I don’t care if you have no faith in God or otherworldly rewards or comfort. I also don’t care that the original text is tainted by the sexism of the period in which it was created. Anyone can reformulate this to work for them. It does not take much to move this to a secular affirmation. It is the affirmation of the positive that matters. Here is one reformulation.

Do not allow your spirit to be beaten down and upset by dryness and helplessness. Faith and hope will lead you through the wilderness. Pure faith that we as human beings can survive in harmony with our world and with each other based on the good and right things you have witnessed in this world, and in the kindness we have received from others, will sustain us.


Richard said...

That picture just scared the frack out of me. Did you say something?

John and Vicki Boyd said...

And that's how he looks at 8:00 AM. You should see him at noon!!!

Sue Schimmel Ward said...

Yeah, I agree with Richard! You better get reading!!!