Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Day 8 of 365 (Barren Mind)

Inge Scholl wrote:" The only remedy for a barren heart is prayer, however poor and inadequate…I’m still so remote from God that I don’t even sense his presence when I pray." Still she prays. When I took this picture I grabbed it for the sole reason that the sun was hanging so oddly in the noon time sky. I thought that the scene was eerie and barren. In my mind I was hearing Billy Bragg singing “there will be a reckoning.” My children vex me. Looking at the shot this evening after dealing with the challenges of being a parent the tree is a barren as my heart is tonight. In the shadows it is there that the humble pray. Like Inge I too offer my petitions even when I don’t sense the presence of the Divine.

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