Thursday, January 16, 2014

Day 16 of 365 (Follow Up)

Today is just notes. 

 I wrote to the principal. She agreed. She asked why I hadn’t spoken up the night before. I explained, “Please understand that my role is in the nature of being ex officio. I take questions; I bring news, beyond that I am only supposed to talk if I think written policy is impacted or educational or general law might brush up against what is being discussed. For the most part I am just supposed to let the adults involved talk out there thoughts and issues.” I hope she gets that. 

Second today is guilty pleasure day. I bought two CDs, Stile Antico’s The Phoenix Rising and Chris Knight’s The Trailer Tapes. I have heard most of the redneck joy that is the Trailer Tapes and I am sure that will go into heavy rotation. I haven’t heard Phoenix yet but it is on many classical audiophiles’ top ten lists of recent vintage. I love this early music. I am a bit of a conundrum aren’t I; redneck songs about women in prison and 11th Century masses make up my playlist. Maybe it is because there is an element of good and redemption, an element of faith in each. Maybe I am bipolar. Who knows?

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