Sunday, September 1, 2019

News From an Unanticipated Front

Several people over the past few days have asked how I am doing.  Odd as it seems to say, I am doing okay.  

The bottom line is I have renal cancer discovered about four weeks ago.  The next line on life’s ledger sheet is, if the doctor at the big cancer hospital is correct, thatI have a 97% chance of cure without anything but surgery.  The cancer is said to be Stage 1. With that being the case, while I am worried I am only a little worried.  More on this below.

Of all my concerns the biggest bugging me is a fear that during the surgery the doctor will screw up. Surgeries don’t always go as planned and you can get really messed up in unanticipated ways.  The odds are in my favor, but trouble is a always a possibility. Still, I will keep a positive attitude. I would be lying if I said my heart doesn’t flutter when I think ‘what if?’.
So, to sum up.  I am not thinking about the cancer much right now.  My concerns are primarily focused on my wife and my family, and a little bit about  people screwing up in the hospital.  Right now, I can put those concerns in the back of my head. Well, I can put them in the back of my head until September 20 or so, when I meet with the pre-op team.  

From September 15  to October 1 it will be like walking on broken glass. Nothing is guaranteed but  I am okay for now. Anticipated time in the hospital is about 2 nights.  Anticipated moaning around the house is a month.


John and Vicki Boyd said...

You got this. We’ve been there and done that, and you’re ain’t a picnic in the park. But you, and your “team”, have everything under control. Everything except your moaning & kvetching. Perhaps Uber has a nurse they could deliver,just to give that team a break.

Love and miss you, my friend.

Peace. Oh...and please DO keep us in the loop.

J & V

Anonymous said...

Jay God's got this! Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am God. Praying for you and your family! Linda DiSylvestro

Anonymous said...

Jay!!!! Sorry to hear about this but it sounds like the statistics are in your favor! You mean we wont be getting walking to work pictures?I was thinking of asking you and Francie could come over some time for dinner? Maybe a ride while convalescing? What hospital will u be in?
I will be praying for u and your family and for wisdom for the doctors! Terri

Judy Watson said...

Sorry to hear this Jay. 97% sounds good though! I do understand all the emotional junk you’re going through. Been there and done that... Know that I’ll be praying for you and your family and the Drs wisdom and guidance as he treats you. Stay positive and focus on the important stuff!

ZeedleBeez said...

Jay!!! I’m sorry you have to face this. You are strong and you inspire people with your positivity. Just do it and get thru it! You got this!!! From one survivor to another.

gmanitou said...

This is my second dance with cancer. I am a 12 year survivor of prostate cancer. The doctors are clear this is a “different” cancer. I got to tell you there is something to be said for growing up in the shadow of the Chambers Works. I don’t think our parents knew what they would be inflicting on us 30, 40 and 50 years down the road. Still, no matter what happens I have had a wonderful ride. My hope is that the road will stretch out for a number of years to come.