Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Labor Day is Over

September 3, 2019

Yesterday was Labor Day. I tried to write something but I couldn’t come up with anything original.  Mostly I was just filled with memories of my family’s big get together.  Made a choice not to poke around their for a time, have done a good number of stories relating what it meant to be one of the Asher Clan.

 Today my wife has headed up to Traverse City.  She is heading to the funeral service for a damn good person, the daughter of a dear friend. So young to be leaving this world.  So much life lived, but with so much left undone.  I grieve for her parents.  I grieve for all that knew her.

Somebody on Facebook asked me my plans after I posted that I, at minimum, have 31 ½ days to work.  The plans are simple to state but not simple to execute.  The plan is to work up until 09/27/19.  09/30/19 go to Ann Arbor for the night.  10/01/19 have part of my left kidney removed.  10/02/19 to 11/26/19 recuperate.  11/27/19 and ½ of 11/28/19 work.  Thanksgiving.  Work until 12/20/19.  Burn vacation until 01/31/19. Retire.  02/02/19 head to Portugal.  Stay in Portugal until 06/01/19.  Decide what to do from there.

What happens after four months in Europe I don’t know.  All I know is that I want to chase some dreams. All I know is that I want some different experiences.  Life is too short.

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