Monday, August 5, 2019

Waiting and Wondering and the Weekend

I didn’t write yesterday.  And I didn’t write the day before.

As to the day before, I was at a popular music concert at the Fox Theatre in Detroit, Michigan USA.  The concert was by Bryan Ferry and he was performing all of the Avalon album by the prog rock band Roxy Music.  

The show was solid.  Ferry sand and  played with passion.  The band was tight.  The songs not off the album were crowd pleasers, things like Do the Strand and Virginia Plain. He did a wonderful cover of John Lennon’s Jealous Guy. For a 73 year old man he still rocks.  Not just a little, he rocks hard.  On top of it all he does it all in a suit.

Managed to work in a dinner with an old friend before the show.  We ate at the  theatre and the food was wonderful.  It had been decades since my dinner companion and I had seen each other not on a television screen.  Good food, good conversation.

Yesterday was a bit of a continuation of the day before.  We had stayed in downtown Detroit and so we ate breakfast at the hotel.  We took our time getting up and getting out of the city.  Still, it was Sunday morning and not much was moving.  

We stopped in Brighton to early celebrate my wife Francie’s birthday.  We were also late celebrating our good friend John’s birthday.  We talked about travel to Europe and cancer.  It is hard not to have cancer crop up with my situation as it is.

I did laundry when I got home.  I went to church.  Not much to write about there?  Well, the pastor a Lutheran of good repute gave a sermon about living heaven on earth.  Kind of aligned with some Buddhist thoughts I have read.  So it goes.

Well, that brings me to today.  Work was nasty cases.  People were just so lacking in self awareness. It is kind of hard to explain if you don’t do this work.  There are shadings of the truth and then there is abject bottom of the barrel just lying to save your ass.  Today was the latter.  At one point I shouted at a gentleman, “I don’t need any more of your exposition.”  My wall mate texted me and asked it I was having a rough day.  God’s honest truth, the second I said the word exposition I realized the person I was talking to did not know what the word meant.  Aye yi yi.

I did take some time out to create a letter to my primary care physician to lay out the issues I have already laid out in previous posts.  Young doc at cancer center vs retiring doctor at generalist hospital.  I will see if he calls me back tomorrow.  I want to nail down what I am doing soon. So it goes.

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