Friday, August 2, 2019

A Decision Will Have to Be Made.

Got the second opinion today.  Mostly the same as the first except they graded the cancer’s aggressiveness a wee bit higher than the first lab.  The doc was a younger man.  He came in and stated that he felt that if I get the surgery in the next four months there is a 97% chance of full recovery with no need for chemo or radiation.  He placed the odds of problems at a very low state.  It seemed he felt there was a chance of a sort of aneurysm that could be corrected without a second surgery.  The odds of this were low 5%.  There was another issue but again the odd os occurrence and odds of correction were very low and very high respectively.

Now I have to work through the calculus.  Local hospital, not as specialized, but a doctor that did a good job working on me twelve years ago.  In the alternative a younger doc whose practice is pretty much just the kind of work I need, and almost solely the kind of work I need.  His hospital is larger, a bit more of a machine, but the care is more specialized.  I can see arguments for going either way.  I am going to get in touch with my primary care doctor on Monday and ask to talk to him for a few minutes so as to see what he thinks.  Do I go with the old saw or the new guy at the more specialized cancer center?

Did stop in Chelsea today on the way back.  Had a great Maryland lump crabmeat sandwich.  Francie had some fried oyster sliders.  The ride back was on M-52 and the traffic was light.  The highways were grinding to a halt when we got off in Chelsea and thus the backroad route home.  So good food, a lush green countryside drive and Jason Isbell on the sound system.  The cancer is there but it probably can be handled. Life it is what it is.

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