Monday, July 29, 2019

You Got This

There are three phrases you hear again and again when you tell someone you have cancer.  They are, “You’ll be fine” or “Everything will be okay”, or “You got this.” Clearly there is hope and love in each of these statements.  And God thank you for every single soul that has uttered them since I decided to just let it hang out that I have renal cancer.

For stretches I can accept these statements as true.  But then the thoughts of what if crawl into my mind.  In my job I have met so many people that doctors have promised the world and delivered only ashes to.  Yeah there are a great deal of what ifs that abound when you are facing down surgery.

But I am opting to stay with the line that says these people and my doctor are correct.  Life has been good to me so far.  I want more of these joyous breaths. Thank you to all of you who have uttered these phrases.  

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