Monday, July 29, 2019

The Flower Man

I offer the above flower as an act of contrition for what we as Americans have become.  I loath our (p)Resident.  I don’t know if he actually won the election but that is water under the dam.  Right now we have to save our country from its own worst tendencies.  The racism, the homophobia and xenophobia are just staining our souls, perhaps indelibly. The merciless redistribution of wealth is just horrid.

Oh don’t go on about how Obama and Clinton were disasters too.  They were.  But they did not advance the cause of fascism and the cult of personality as the man who holds the chair they once did.  His unmitigated disdain for long held international relationships, the disavowal of treaties and compacts, the unilateralism, well these are the moves that reflect a citizenry who have given up on their duties.

I have given up talking.  You either believe the man is returning us to an America that was strong and potent and just, or you believe he is all in for the monied and the white and the Christian.  When I say these things out loud people react viscerally.  Some say yeah and some say you sonofabitch.  I just can’t take it.

Most days I try to post a picture of a flower and a comment that encourages or brings a laugh.  I want to see people as people. It is all I can do given the schism between the Trump supporters and the people I believe are focused on democracy first.  

Take a moment with a flower.  Left or right it doesn’t matter.  What matter is this fragile world, this fragile set of interwoven lives that we must protect. 

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