Monday, September 30, 2013

Rumours of the Fog

Starting out today the air was crisp and a heavy dew was on the surface of just about everything. As I had listened to the weather report before heading out I anticipated I would see fog pockets. In my neighborhood there is a spot that lies a little bit lower that the rest of the land, it is a green space about 2 acres in dimension behind a school. On foggy mornings it looks like the witches’ cauldron from the opening scene of the Scottish play. 

 Today on our route there was nada. Last night there had fog but not this morn. Schools all over the place were under two hour delay. The aggravation to working parents today will just be another case of schools trying to do the right thing based on all available information that just really wasn’t needed. But as my spouse often tells me, you never know the accident you prevented. 

 Secundus was in prime form singing Heartache by the Numbers as we got into the vehicle to come to school and work. I thought I had a version of it in the car but alas I couldn’t find it. We listened to 500 Miles, the version by Roseanne Cash from the List. All in all that is a great disc and it bears repeated listening. Somewhere I swear I have a copy of her singing that song. 

 The whole country music interlude gave me the opportunity to tell my 15 year old bass voiced son that almost all the songs on the List were written for deep male voices. Can we say Johnny Cash, Merle Haggard and the like? If he wants to sing those songs more power to him. 

Because he has been singing these types of tunes recently I did suggest that if he wanted to do it seriously his band would have to find a pedal steel player and a fiddler. I am sorry unless it has pedal steel, it ain’t really country now is it?

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