Sunday, April 22, 2012

The smell of wood smoke clinging

In order to upgrade my health I have been walking about 40 minutes a day. Mostly I walk routes that I have to travel to get to or from the usual and ordinary events of my life. If I am not walking to work or to the library or to the school I have a set route back-and-forth up and down through my neighborhood.

I like the route that I walk, it is comfortable like an old well-worn coat. I tend to walk shortly after sunset. On a clear night like tonight there're pink wispy traces of clouds in lines across the sky. The streets tend to be empty and there is comfort in fact. There is a subtle joy walking for 30 or so minutes on the night like this.

Whether the walk does my body any physical good it definitely does my soul some spiritual good. It gives me a chance to set aside the thoughts that are picking and pulling at my energies. It gives me a chance to lose myself in a larger reality.

Tonight someone must be heating their home with a fire. The air smells of woodsmoke It reminds me of camping in the north woods along the lake shore. It reminds me of an Elton John song called Indian sunset. The smell of the woodsmoke is comforting and pleasant my senses.

Some joys are very simple like the memories come from smells in the evenings air.

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