Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Bus stop and we are sky blue hopeful

No matter how hard we try in life to be on time if seems that events conspire to slow us down. On Wednesday mornings Secundus has an advanced English course on the campus of Michigan State. this mean that to obtain full credit he must be there butt in seat by 8 AM. This requires a little preplanning. Plans are fallible.

This morning my lethargy combined with secundus's failure finish his paper last night slowed the entire process down. As a result I just sent mom and the lad off without having them drop me at my office.

It gave me the opportunity to walk with my older son for part way to his school. It was sort of like walking with Gary Cooper in an old Western movie. There was a cowboy hat and not a lot of dialogue. Still it was an opportunity I have not had since he had been in grade school. I savored the moment.

Years fly by so fast. It has been a long time since I have access to the sense of time infinite and unending and of potential unlimited. I have traded that for a belief in the expansive capacity of the heart. I may get discouraged. I may get cynical from time to time. But still I believe. A walk with a man in a cowboy hat who still has time for the happiness found in kicking rocks around on his way to school
remindsyou there is hope for the future.

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