Tuesday, January 28, 2020


28 January 2020

Do not despair.  Just because there is nothing posted on A Space True and North from recent days doesn’t mean my creativity has stalled.  I am working on a longer piece that may, or may not get, published here. Of course it is set in the 1970s, the greatest decade of my life so far.  Woo Hoo. Might have a piece at the end of March set in Portugal, we will see.  I am thinking about whether I will have any inclination to write as we are poking around.

Just because I am writing a longer piece doesn’t mean I couldn’t be posting, but why should I?  What I see now is not the America I had hoped for when I was in my 20s in the 1970s.  With the deregulation of media, the concentration of station ownership into just a few hands, and the abolition of the fairness doctrine, mass media has been concentrated into two warring camps.  The richer people own more of the media and they spew out things, that to my mind, are just atrocious.  As a result I will read about five articles from the paper I am subscribed to. Then I just avoid the news button on my phone for the rest of the day.

So don’t worry I will be back soon.  Hopefully I will have a longer piece for you. No philosophy in this one, just bug lust, and a tale of what happens after bug lust.

1 comment:

Sue Schimmel Ward said...

Don't worry about NOT writing: it's just great reading I get to do when your blog is in my email! Relax. Read a bit...write a bit. Relax. Relax.