Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Old Riders of the West

As I am doing the dishes tonight I am listening to the New Riders of the Purple Sage.  For some reason the combination of the ritual of dishes and music made me think of an old high school friend with whom I occasionally correspond.

I think the reason she came to mind was because back in high school the only person I could get to listen to this New Rider’s album (when I brought it into my junior year third period English class) was Bobby Romano.  Bobby died a bit back, at least according to my class’s webpage. Yeah, the fact that he is gone started me thinking about how my corresponding friend and I keep firing notes back and forth when another classmate dies.  To my mind the class of 1974 is losing a large number of people just way too early.

Oh well, the country strains of this music soothes me as I deal with the issues of my life. Funny about that though, it is more the general feel of the music than the music itself.  Listening to the music now it is quite simplistic structurally.  Listening to the lyrics the songs are either sexist or naïve.  But as long as the music is simply in the background acting as aural wallpaper it is like an old worn coat, comfortable and comforting, but a bit ugly and way out of style.

My hope is for a period of quiet in the notes on deaths of those we have known.  It would be nice to find a period of gentle breezes, warm sunlight with nothing to mourn.

For a taste of my worn out of style coat click the link.


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