Friday, February 22, 2019


One foot in front of another, this is how we address life al the good and the bad. We must move to live. We must knowingly and gently accept that what comes will come.  Oh we can fight and struggle to achieve but in the end to what purpose.? Walking forward we must take on the moments of each day with neither love nor hatred, just awareness and acceptance.

Today my mind is in an odd space.  I am completely tired and fed up with the political world in which I live.  As to my day to day life, it has become rote to the point of being numbing.  The weather, well what can I do about it?  As a result why talk about it unless it is to offer a historical fact such as stating the sunshine is a relief (it is) or noting it snowed a ton the other day.

Four decades ago I began a series of friendships that have lasted my life. It is hard to explain why these bonds forged at university were/are so strong.  Still, they remain .  Sometimes they bubble up on Facebook with a stray comment. Sometimes an e-mail comes and reminds me of the value of the sender to my life.

Sometimes the friendship ends.  Recently the days have taken some people I love from my orbit.  The sense of loss is real.  The hurt is only moderated by the fact that I can immerse myself in the mundane things of my day to day life.  Knowing that every person who walks this earth, one foot after another, will feel such loss does not ameliorate the pain.  So it goes. 

Loss to an existentialist is both reality and tough.  There is only this moment once.  When we move past it that universe is gone. Staring into the empty spaces of my life created by the passing of friend I feel hurt, I feel confusion, I feel an ache.  So it goes, one foot after another.

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