Friday, February 8, 2019

God Only Knows

The wind is blowing hard and fast.
Snow plows scrape and pound across the macadam,
And the world is brightly white.

In four minutes I must flee.
I stare at the Buddha in blue jeans  frothing milk,
Off to my side sits the fur lined hat I borrowed from my son.

When I gaze out the floor to ceiling glass all I see is white.
When I just sit I hear John Prine singing...
“Surround me with your boundless love...”

A day like today screams for compassion
For boundless love.
A day like today focuses the heart.

At day’s end there will be a fire in the fireplace,
Hot cocoa sans marshmallows in my hand,
and a comfy armchair.

A moment to recharge accepted boundless love. 

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