Saturday, January 19, 2019

When to Retire I Wonder

Just spent about 20 minutes talking to an old work colleague.  He is a couple of years older than me.  I asked him when he planned to retire.  He told me when he turns 70. He is 65 now.  

My response to him was somewhat questioning.  I told him my brothers passed on at 72 and at 69.  I don’t think I am going to push the window that close.  His response was that he had just build a new house and until it was paid off he was a wage slave.

Nothing in living this life is easy.  Guessing when to go and retire is just one more of those hard questions we have to answer on our own, like should I ask her out, should I try and get into law school and just a slew of other life changing should I do this inquiries asked over a lifetime.

On my work desktop is a picture of fog rolling into Porto on October 1, 2018,  On my phone I have downloaded a countdown clock with a street scene from Lisboa.  It ends at five pm Monday January 6, 2020.  Hopefully I will still be kicking when that date rolls around.

The weather here is growing colder.  We are supposed to get a fair amount of snow this weekend.  This warmer than average January couldn’t last forever.

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