Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The shoals of what is and what is not

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

It was the first day of school from Primus and Secundus.  The years have flown by.  Primus is a senior and Secundus is a junior.  Every year has had it challenges and this year will be the college application process.  I don’t know if this is going to be anything like I expected it to be.

My children are human.  In some ways they are bright. In some ways they are dumber than moose poop.  I guess much the same can be said of me.  My wife, well she isn’t dumber than moose poop, not ever.  The maze of admissions with grades and test schools will never reveal who my children are to the people on the other end of the pipeline.  How can a dry sheet of paper convey the work ethic of an ASD kid or his wry and witty sense of humor?  Funny that, ASD kids are not known for their biting humor, but Primus’ tongue is rapier sharp. 

The thing is words on paper and raw scores aren’t going to tell you what that boy is all about. It is my hope he finds a place in this world, a good place, where he can be of benefit to our greater community.  He believes in public service although there are flashes of cynicism that I see.  Sometimes I am convinced that his Aspergers is an evolutionary step in a better direction.  Less deception, less artifice, more of this is what is and this is what is not. 

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