Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Forgetting the Past, Walking into Fall

Overcast morning today. The moisture contained in the air is at a high level and id growing higher by the hour.  One forecast said it would rain by 11 am. By the time I reach my office, approximately 35 minutes from now, I will be drenched in sweat. From all I read such a soaking of perspiration is a good thing. Exercise keeps the heart strong.


When I first began my walk this morning the song Landslide by Fleetwood Mac was playing. I felt my emotions growing warm, maybe nostalgic and I started to smile when I heard the music. My mood changed quickly. Landslide was released over 40 years ago. Its hook, its chorus saturated the FM airwaves before I had graduated university. Still all these many years later I can hear that song getting airplay at least once or twice a day on one of the various satellite radio stations.


Landslide while a good song is a relic of the past. The song and its gentle lyrics of love are as far removed and remote from the current world’s reality as can be.  It is a song that was born in a time when we believed and were hopeful that each generation would do something better. I decided that I had to cast off the music of the past, of my past, just as much as I must jettison the belief I held in the America. American as I knew it growing up no longer exists.


(Halfway into my walk and I can feel the sweat starting to form. Today I am keeping a pretty good pace. I found my knee brace this morning and that helps.)


Midsummer and verdant is the landscape. The foliage of plants and trees are quite beautiful to my eye. Most of the blooms, bright clothing designed for attracting pollinating bees, are faded and gone. Instead, there are a thousand hues of green. This moment is a different time. Around me are different aspect of beauty. Right now, this is the middle age of the year. It is only 59 more days until fall comes by the traditional calendar starts. For Michigan begins much earlier. Mind you, I don’t want to wish summer away. Me, I simply want to experience fall in all its glory. Winter for me will come much too soon.

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