Sometimes you just need a walk. Putting your feet into motion feels good when your world is too intense and too in your face and when you just need to be anywhere but where you are.
On vacation recently I hit one of those moments. No single thing took me there; no single person brought me to that point. It was the accretion of a number of things that caked together made me want to go.
Let’s consider the situation. Sitting in a garage some 60 miles away was my car. As noble a beast as the Prius it for some reason it had started smoking on the long decline into Cherokee. Social dynamics on the child front were bad. The kids had been at each other in the back of my sister in law’s van for the better part of the day. We had been visiting historic sites and the Gameboys were mandated to be off. Lacking distraction teen fuses were short. Me I was just sweaty and tired.
Arriving back at the condo, I couldn’t find any reading material that would work to divert my mind. The TV did not work well and I really didn’t want to play cards. Lacking any other options I decided to take a walk. On the way out of the condo I noted our camera was sitting on the table. Grabbing it I headed out.
Despite the humidity the walk was exactly what I needed. As I headed down the hill I noticed a cloud rolling over the next hill/mountain. Stopping about halfway down a pretty steep incline I noticed how majestic the mist coming down over the green lush trees was. Looking up I spotted a single tree standing erect and very strong against the fading light. There was no hidden in the tree it was just beautiful to me. I took a couple shots of that pine and my mind cleared.
A walk on a country road took me out to a solitary tree. A solitary tree took me to a space beyond all the hubbub of the day. It grounded me and I was okay. Go take a walk.
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