Friday, June 18, 2010

Why I Love This Site

In March of last year I came upon a website called OneTwoFiver. OneTwoFiver is a writing tool used to open up the creative juices. It demands you write without editing really and that you follow a contrived format.

I was skeptical at first but I created an account and started writing. One word, two words, five words and so on; I created stories. Normally when I went to the site I had nothing in mind, just a desire that I write and that I create a piece that was a couple of pages long. In the end I think if you follow the rules you end up with 888 words.

Noting that the site is not heavily used and realizing that there is a cost to maintaining such a site I have become worried that my work resident there will be lost. As a result today as I sat here recuperating I went out and grabbed all my pieces off the site and saved them as a word document. Like the folks in Writer’s Monthly say, just sit down and do it.

In 33 pieces I have amassed a word total of over 14, 000 words. Some of the pieces are short; there were days when I just couldn’t get it going. But a goodly number of them have the full count and then some. A number of these pieces have been copied and pasted by me in the past and reworked into blog posts. There was a 10 day period in August of last year when I wrote 8 full length pieces. I don’t’ know how I did that. Still I am glad that I did.

I have never felt comfortable with my written words. Syntax and grammar baffle me and frustrate me. Words, oh dear precious words, them I love. But stringing them along in a coherent form uh well I am how you say not so good at that. But with OneTwoFiver I am forced to write and then because it has no editing program Word and I get busy afterwards. Sometimes I wait a day or two before tackling the mechanics of it all, but I try.

I guess what I am saying is that writing is a good thing. We all should do it. Find a way that works for you and just do it. Me I use OneTwoFiver but there are lots of other sites and tools out there. Take a breath and create.

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