Friday, May 2, 2008

Bush League

I am so sick of this adminstration. Even if you accept the premise that we are in a war that must be won, you have to ask at what costs? Do we give up our humanity? Do we give up the values and ideals we hold most dear? George Bush is an accomplice to the undermining of our democracy and should be held accountable for it. Shadow President "Dick" should be sent to Gitmo. With his ticker he wouldn't last a week.


Chris said...

Eight more months of this administration, Jay. It is too long, but it is what it is. Then maybe we can "begin again."

Jay Todd said...

My thought is that it will take 20-40 years, a generation if you would, before we undo the harm to our governmental integrity internally and to our standing in the world done by W.

John and Vicki Boyd said...

You think the next administration, which will, no doubt, be Democratic, will not somehow make members of THIS admin. pay??? Indictments will tumble down like boulders from atop a mountain!!!

or not.

gmanitou said...

My concern is not one of retribution against individuals. Rather my concern is that the very fabric of the duality of our rights/our duties as citizens has been grievously perverted. Our social compact under the constitution requires faith that the system is trying to live up to its promises and people charged with enforcing those promises doing so legitmately, not with two fingers crossed as is the case with a signing statement.

When we begin to believe that the core values of the bill of rights are nothing more than the huckstering of snake oil salespeople spead out like an insubstantial ether to protct the interests of the haves the republic is in grave danger. Deprived of faith in higher valuses eople quit trying. The Don Quixotes among us lay down our lances. When that happens the elites/those who believe in the merits of governance by privilege and power win. Sending Bush and the Dick to jail is nothing compared to restoring faith that we are free from being monitored each time we pick up the phone. Jihad, jihad, all praise the prophet. Clearly I want some CIA spook reading this blog.

Addtionally who in the world will cede us any damn moral authority on any thing when we ignore the conventions for treating prisoners appropriately? Bush is not alone the Federalists compromised civil liberties with the alien and sedition acts and we paid for that for decades afterward by a great distrust of the government and its motives found among the gneral populus.

Indictments might be a start, but clear actions toward resetting a balance toward treating the Bill of Rights as the Supreme law of this land would be even more important.

John and Vicki Boyd said...

Oh great!!! So all of us who commented on YOUR blog are now in jeopardy from the CIA/NSA/DEA/FCC/PDQ, etc.????

Sometimes life sucks. Republicrat or Democan...