Thursday, March 22, 2018

Facts Not TaTas

If only we could collectively winnow out the noise in our stream of daily data. If only we could clear out the nonsense and clutter from the material, we see and hear each day. Why should the thoughts and musings of the has-beens, never-really made its, and famous because they’re famous, have a prime position in our stream of information, the so-called “news”?


Just because an actor once played a doctor in a movie doesn’t provide the performer valid credentials to discuss the treatment of cardiac failure. Just because a lovely woman once bared her breasts in a glossy magazine to the eyes of millions of adoring men and women, doesn’t give her the knowledge to speak with a heightened public persona about the workings of the brain.


The demand for content, and I use that word loosely, is so intense for companies providing news/infotainment. As a result, these purveyors of data will print anything said by a person whose face has been seen before by a large swath of the television watching populace. I don’t need to know how star A copulated with star B. What I do need to know is how close are we to war. I also need to know is how unhealthy are the choices being forced upon me by a monolithic food distribution system. We need to know many things, but factual scientific and political things, to live as responsible citizens of the world.


I need knowledge from informed experts. I do not need ramblings from a bosom enhanced pubis shaved talking Barbie doll.

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