Monday, October 21, 2013

Rain Falling in the Midwest

Summer has now fled. Today the highest the temperature will reach is said to be 50 F. For my non U.S. readers that is 10 C. It being October 21, 2013 there is little chance we will see a string of warm days again for many months. We might get a surprise day of 60 F sometime before late November but there is no real promise of that. 

 Above this place the sky is filled with light rain. With cooling air and a moderate drizzle the overall impact is one of impediment. No, I will not describe this state of affairs as gloomy. I don’t view rainy days as gloomy, I actually quite like them. To state correct the issue rainy days cause us extra activity, the falling drops cause us impediment if you would.  

On rainy days we generally have to wear things that cover our clothing so as to insure we don’t get soaked. Hats, coats and umbrellas are taken out of the closet. Ugh, there is extra time spent putting these things into use and then storing them after use. 

 Our vehicles don’t stop as well on wet pavement. We are forced to use additional systems, lights, wipers and the like. Time is stolen because we must slow our travel. As I said every aspect of dealing with rain is an impediment. 

 On the plus side rain thins out the population walking the streets. It washes the detritus off of the curbs and into the storm sewers. It cleanses the air. If it were a summer rain it would be joyful. It would bring green back to brown lawns and provide fruit plumping moisture. 

 But this is a late fall rain and it will pull down the colored leaves from off the trees. It will bring a chill to the bones. In the end like so many things this rainy day is neither good nor bad. It just is. I peer out at the grey sky and the slow drops. Life has rain.

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