Tuesday, June 11, 2013

In Transistion

Sometimes in the space between the end of the working day and the start of the evening I find a moment of peace. Usually I am the last one to leave my office. In that I don’t drive, I do hold a license but I opt not to drive, there is a period of time when I must wait after my work is done for my wife to swing by and pick me up.

Occasionally I will go outside and sit on the loading dock behind my office and watch the clouds. Sometimes the sky is as pale blue and clear as it can be. I find myself humming a Velvet Underground song about pale blue eyes. Sometimes there are storm clouds whipping by from west to east and I drop into the Credence Clearwater catalog of Have You Ever Seen the Rain, Who’ll Stop the Rain and maybe even Bad Moon Rising, Sometimes it is just a perfect day with a few fluffy clouds, a moment of quiet transition from work to the requirements of family. Hey I said fluffy and I meant it.

On those transitional days I don’t really sing or hum. I just lie back on the concrete of the loading dock behind my office and get lost in the clouds. Feeling the warmth from that white concrete all though will drop away and leave me void. I have learned that it is okay to be empty for a time. It is really okay to accept a grace given moment of peace. A rested and peaceful mind is a gift to be appreciated.

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