Sunday, September 11, 2011

Tumult in a Small Town

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Grey morning today. It seems warmish but the overall feel is one of melancholy. Fall is waiting just around the corner, waiting for the page to be ripped off my Dilbert comic of the day calendar. Some leaves have fallen but they are not enough to motivate me to do anything in the yard, not yet at least.

My life is filled with turmoil right now. Last year I ran for the school board. Little did I know I would be the swing vote on a number of issues. My last name has a consonant near the end of the alphabet and when vote time comes, I am the last in the roll call. Thus when the vote for the board president occurred I was the deciding vote. Again when the vote to close a school occurred I was the deciding vote.

Each of these votes was significant and I think the first vote has played a part in many of the decisions of the board since it occurred. I think the second vote being another 4-3 split had coloration from the first vote. It is a shame too. Everyone on the board has commitment to the welfare of our students but we all bring with us the resonating vibrations and emanations of experiences past.

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