Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Before Time Controlled Me

Before Time Controlled Me

At evening
In the passing of a clear day
With sunlight, now sunset, now twilight fading
The birds provide one last chorus to their long song
A song hardwired over millennia and more
Twee, twee, twee.

The old table made of oak with varnish fading
Set out upon a dispirited porch 
Offers up a fine place to watch the gold and the reds
Of day’s end sky
A leather jacket feels comforting
A coffee is soothing.

A scent of a fire lingers on eastbound air
Someone is sitting on this nearly still night
Perhaps circled with those well-loved, loved well
Around flames and warmth
Facing west with collars upturned
They release the day to the care of others westward.

Inhaling the faint fragrance of smoke
I rock back in my chair
My mind is blank
As the scented air flows in through my nose
And out over my lips
I am free in this moment from all cares.

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