Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Performance Art

In talking about Bowie's passing Larry remembered a couple of things about working on the Boardwalk.  Here is one of them.  This ties to what we did to amuse ourselves.
"Rufus and I did this thing where we'd pretend to have an argument in front of some innocent family who was trying to buy a couple of cones. Our back and forth would go on and on, getting louder and more animated, things would be thrown, then ending up with one of us smashing an ice cream cone in the other's face.  We did one with Rufus as the victim and once with me getting "coned".    The last time we did it, Rufus ran away and left me alone to take care of the customer with an ice cream cone sticking out of my forehead dripping and dripping.

 Ah - good times!"

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