Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Joy Found in a Notecard

In bright colors my cares evaporate.

Brilliant hued exotic flowers shout celebration to me,
of life, of wonder and of full awareness.

Peacefully I lay down in a their radiant bed,
I am cradled with delicate petals and stems.

As I breathe in the fragrant air I am freed
from the normal,
from the monotonous sameness that others relish.

Nestled softly here I
Have hope that today
and tomorrow will be allow me to be
all those good things inside of me that I know I am.
Have the patience and honesty to grow
as each of these blooms has grown
into something radiant and beautiful beyond words.
Have humility that I am as frail as these blossoms
and as short lived in eternity.
Have trust that there is something greater.
And have the courage to face whatever will come.

There is no guilt in taking a respite in this beauty.
There is no crime in experiencing joy.

In bright colors I find a constancy of love.

1 comment:

gmanitou said...

The image is a graphic design found at I bought a set of the note-cards and this one inspired some free verse. This post will not be up long, I don't wish to infringe upon anyone intellectual property. If you like what you see throw the site some business. Me I bought my cards at a fine boutique in East Lansing, a place that sells art and articles for everyday life or something like that. Check them out too.