Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Subjective vs. Objective

The questions of perception, knowledge and reality are difficult ones to take on. In my reading this morning there was a comment that the world, that reality, was always a mystery, a self-creating ever changing living mystery to which I am the door. As a person who sits in judgment of others this is a troublesome statement. Clearly if I am charged with holding others accountable there must be a measure that has some objectivity to it. To say “No, I won’t allow you to do that because my ever changing reality deems your proposed action inappropriate at this moment” seems a little dicey. I guess I can buy into my perception of the world as being an ever changing living mystery but not the empirical world itself.

Oh yeah, I do believe in synchronicity.

1 comment:

Richard said...

Enough. You are over-thinking things and when I say "things", I mean everything.

Let's boil this down for 'ya, okay? If you get drunk and kill four kids with your vehicle you are a felon and you are going to jail. It's the law and it's got nothing to do with you.

Let's look at your situation and the discretion you can wield:
People get their rights restored when you say they get them restored. There's no aspect involving things that are cosmic or evolutionary or anything else at play here. It could all come down to the fact that you do not like the look on the perps face or the way their lawyer smells or the fact that you think the law calls for the full measure of punishment it affords. Or that it does not. It is what it is. You don't have to waste a lot (any) of time contemplating the forces of nature or nurture that brought you to this point. Shit, maybe you're having a bad day. Too bad for the defendant that day. Maybe you're having a good day. Good for the defendant that day. Is that cosmic? Crissakes, the next thing we know you'll be one of those people trying to assign a numerical value to every human event in a bid to explain everything that happens or that has ever happened on earth and in heaven via a math equation.

Nobody needs or wants to see that.

This is as as philosophical as I get. Ever.

Peace, love and understanding, as per usual...