Monday, November 17, 2008

A Learning Experience for all Concerned

Went to a debate match with Secundus this weekend. Having observed that event, a meeting of pre-teen intellects at battle, I am left wondering was I ever really competitive in school? I know there are lifelong memories I will keep from this one.

Saturday’s event was the first match for Secundus in both oratory and debate. It was also the first match for his school’s debate team. It was a two part event and the morning was individual oratory, the afternoon was debate team competition.

Key moments included Loren's three readings of the Jabberwocky (sp) by Lewis Carroll. This was recited in the oratory competition. Secundus decided to do this the night before the competition. He memorized the whole thing the morning of the event. Speaking clearly he was very impassioned, his overall cadence and inflection was very over the top. For this effort he got a second place in individual non-original oratory. Did he want to listen to Dad? Nooooo. Did Dad try and coach him on breathing technique and posture at the podium, yes.

He wants to be on top, all the time. This was reinforced at the point in round three of the actual debates (at this point his team was 1-2) Right before the prep period started he pulled me aside and said, "If we lose this next one I am going to rip out someone's aorta." I wasn't sure if he meant he was aiming for the heart of his teammates or the cardiac muscles of the members of the other team.

The final topic of the day was "Proposed cell phone use should be banned among grade school students" He went first in favor of the ban and it was like watching the raging Cajun James Carville in grade school. He began, Should kids be allowed to have phone at school? Well consider this. There you are at the end of the day walking out of the building and you flip open you phone to check you text messages and you get so occupied with that little screen you don't notice the crossing guard saying "NO!" or that big truck flying at you. Wham and you're dead. Okay how about those lock down drills we do? What if you forget to turn off your cell phone and what if it’s real and not a drill? There you are huddled in the closet in your class and that cute Hannah Montana ring tone kicks in, well Blam, Blam, Blam you are all dead." I think all six of his points ended with YOU ARE DEAD!!!! My wife and I were both looking for a table to be under by the end of point two. As it went on the room got stone quiet and other parents were slack jawed.

After he finished the other team just stood there like a deer in the headlights. They were so flustered I don't think they put two coherent sentences together. The judge was nice and tried to be professional but finally said that Loren's team had a more compelling presentation. I think even she wasn't sure of what to do.

Hey, my wife says I used to be like that. I don't remember it, but maybe. Was it debate or theater I am not sure. Also I am not sure if I want him to grow out of it or aim for the Senate.


John and Vicki Boyd said...

What do you mean you USED to be like that? And did you mean aim FOR or aim AT the Senate????

Unknown said...

The boy has the makings of a true public speaker. There's nothing like stunning your opponent into silence to really get the point across. I feel like I was like that in school too. Every class has to have one, I suppose.
So is this like forensics, then? I used to be involved in that. Good times.