Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Day 49 of 365 (A Lone Busker)

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I used to work downtown. Now I work at the edge of an old mall. The mall was initially constructed in the 1950s. While they have put new facades on the stores the place is sort of a dowager with lots of make-up. The wear still shows. 

 The area here is sort of a nether zone not suburb, not city and definitely not anything with community character. Sometimes during warm weather I walk out to a nearby park with a baseball field. Wildflowers will pop up as the summer drags on. Still it is a solitary space. Except maybe for the guys smoking dope in their cars parked in the baseball fields parking lot.

 This place is a lonely place. I miss the people downtown. In the last year when I was working downtown this young woman had taken to busking in front of a local business. She played a classical style of violin tune and it was quite pretty.

 As I was looking for a photo for another post I came upon this image I had captured. The shot was taken on a warm late spring/early summer day.

 I was simply walking to walk and enjoy the radiance of the sun. As I turned a corner there she was playing.

 A musician on a corner is a perfect icon of the life of a downtown. People handing out samples of candy or thrusting fliers into your hand for events or causes, these are part of a downtown life. At least during the lunch hour even this boring Midwestern place has life. I miss it.

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