Monday, May 23, 2016

Wake of the Flood, Laughing Waters

Twilight. Fading light. Another day is closing out.  I can hear the birds, they chirp and trill. The light is warm but the air is not. It is neutral and for tonight that is okay. Too much cold and too much ambiguity over whether to march onto into spring or hold on dearly to winters cloak have made the months of April and May irritating.  Save resilient daffodils these months have not shown the spark of joy the changing of the seasons should bring.

I read a chapter on acceptance and mercy written by a psychologist. Lying in my hammock the words made so much sense.  The author talked about a poisonous tree.  When we such a tree thought is to cut it down, to burn it or to otherwise dispatch it.  But the tree might have some other value in the ecosystem that we don’t yet understand.  Perhaps fencing the tree and labeling it so as to warn others might be the way to go.  Acceptance and mercy.  It doesn’t mean that we let the poison take us, it means that we try and act with growing understanding and compassion.

Having read that section, I rousted myself from my comfortable hammock and walked.  As I stepped outside my house the light on a budding tree caught my eye.  Quickly I snapped a number of shots.  One was easier than the other’s to frame.  One taken I adjusted the color.  Funny thing was that one of the filters made the tree look the shade of an old Grateful Dead recording, Wake of the Flood. As I looked at the end result it made me smile.  I remember so much of my life that the songs on that album were the soundtrack for. 
Ah the light grows dim.  I will stop my writing now.

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