Monday, March 21, 2016

Boomlee and a Sunny March Day

My approaching birthday has me flummoxed.  Yes I know it is only a number.  Yes I know that my life is defined by how I live it and not how old I am.  But I also know that the time remaining is shorter that the time past.  I want to stay vibrant.  My goal is to be living to the fullest in the face of the winds of life that erode us to nothing.  

As I write this I am at my office working.  It is Sunday morning and I am way behind on my work.  I have committed to come in today for about three hours so that I get much closer to where I need to be on my backlog of cases.  Hopefully after I finish up this note I will get some real solid writing done.  We shall see now shall we not?

Yesterday I discovered my Fitbit™ had died.  Turned out the charger was not assembled correctly.  I had gotten none of my activity from Friday recorded.  Well I fixed the charger and I then spent time walking all over my neighborhood. We need to get our 10,000 steps in don’t we? As the walk progressed it was clear there are some lovely early blooms coming out.  For a few moments I slowed my pace and took photographs with my phone.  Of course I had to color correct them with my phone’s software for better pictures.  Reality is never quite captured by a phone camera no matter how good that camera is.

Scattered wandering finally led me to the EL Public Library.  My thought had been to get a book on philosophy to read; maybe I would get something about the Age of Reason.  When I got just inside the front door I ran into a librarian who is a casual friend.  She and I travel in some of the same circles because we both have autistic sons.  Talking for a few minutes we gabbed and gabbed.  She had a victory with one of her children.  It was good to find someone who has similar battles to fight.  Warm conversations always make me feel better.

The conversation cut down on the time I had to look for philosophy books and so I ended up just getting some movies.  One of the films I picked up was a Thai movie with subtitles. 

The film was called Boomlee Who Can Remember His Past Lives.   It was a slow paced film.  It was about a man dying from kidney failure who is confronted with the ghosts of his wife and son. Some magical realism is found in the film for the ghosts interact with other living people in the film besides the dying man and nobody seems weirded out by the presence of these long dead spirits.

Confrontation is not really the word either for the interaction between the dying man and the spirits.  His wife’s ghost has come as sort of a spiritual guide across the threshold to the next plain of existence.  His son who is a large spirit ape with glowing eyes has come to protect him from malicious spirits who might interfere with his journey.

The man who is dying says it is karma that things are playing out this way because he is dying relatively young.  He is very clearly Buddhist.  He talks about killing communists and about spraying bugs with pesticides and the karma from that burdening him.  His spirit wife inquires of him as to what was in his heart.  Was he acting with good intentions?  When he asks whether his actions in this world will prevent him from reaching heaven his ghost wife says, “Heaven is over rated.” I smiled at this.

My family commenced watching a rerun of one of the Bourne movies after this finished.  I love the Bourne films but I was just not in the mood.  At that point I went upstairs and continued reading Dreamland, the book about America and opiates. What I read about was the rise in pain medications for palliative care in the early 1980s and about the “Farm”. The Farm was the federal government’s drug treatment prison cum opiate teaching hospital, up until about 1990.  The Farm conducted most of the research into the mechanics of addiction was conducted pre-1990. MS-Contin was researched there for those will long term pain.

The Farm was shut down because as governments are often wont to do, they used its facilities off book. The Farm is where people conducted the so ill advised experiments on hallucinogenic drugs that later came to light.  You know they gave LSD to people for the CIA to see if there was any counterintelligence value to the drug. People went bat shit crazy because of the quantities administered.

And then I fell asleep.  Some days are just full and action packed now aren’t they?

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