Saturday, December 7, 2013

This Be My Verse (Expanded and Updated for My Life)(With Apologies to Larkin)

They fuck you up, your mum and especially your dad.   
    They may not mean to, but they (and let me repeat the “they” here means especially dad) do[1].   
They fill you with the faults they (well at least the ones DAD) had
    And add some extra (usually concocted by DAD), just for you[2].

But they were fucked up in their turn[3]
    By fools in old-style hats and coats[4],   
Who half the time were soppy-stern
    And half at one another’s throats.

Man hands on misery to man[5].
    It deepens like a coastal shelf.
Get out as early as you can,
    And don’t have any kids yourself[6].

[1] Well maybe Dad did subconsciously mean it. He as you know has anger issues and abandonment issues.  Perhaps it is repressed anger at his father disaffected parenting style and shit like that. Perhaps it is just that misanthropic streak he has.

[2] Especially that unwarranted and unfounded fear of wolves in the neighborhood often used by him to hurry you along on your dawdling walks home.  And those genetic mutations that lead to your ADHD and your ASD well those are the result of Dad’s old and chemically altered (by his dabbling in amateur pharmacology experiments at university) genes.  It is his entire fault, really so direct all your anger and frustration and emotional conflict at him.  Mom had nothing to do with this. Blame Dad!!!!

[3] Mom of course persevered through challenges and hardships.  Despite having to walk uphill to school both ways she really isn’t damaged. Dad on the other hand despite a traditional two parent home is nothing short of an emotional hot mess and has nothing of meaning to offer that can sooth or balm a troubled teenage soul.  His advice is tainted by his luck as a teenager where under no circumstances should have prospered but he did.  He is an unreliable outlier and out right liar. Don’t dare seek dating advice or relationship advice from him for we live in a society that no longer use clubs and dragging by the hair as part of the dating ritual as was the norm in his day.

[4] Just look at Dad, he looks like they did.  They dressed him funny and he never learned to be fashionable.  If you use Dad's fashion sense for any purpose let it stand as a dire warning of what not to do.

[5] See Larkin got it.  It is the masculine identifier here.  Dads are the people who screw up there kids, never Moms.  It is only on TV that Moms do the damage. 

[6] Sigh.

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